We should call our grandparents more often

Bradynn Belcher, Campus Carrier staff writer

We live in an era of instant communication. How weird is it that we can have conversations with people all over the world with less than minimal effort? 

I enjoy this 21st century perk, especially now that I am in college. I am from Tennessee, and almost all of the friends and the connections that I built in high school stayed in Tennessee. Feeling alone, I took advantage of my unlimited data plan.

During the first semester of my freshman year, I stayed in contact with the majority of my close friends from home. Facetime, iMessage and social media kept me in touch with the people I loved most. I was fulfilled with my ability to maintain strong relationships with people from home, until I received a phone call from my grandparents a month into my freshman year. 

I wish I had Robert Frost’s ability to clearly articulate the pure, unceasing excitement in their voices when I answered the phone. My grandmother’s soft voice cracked with excitement when I answered with “Hey Mamaw. I miss you.”

We talked like we had not spoken in years, though it had only been a month. A void in my heart I never knew existed was filled. After this conversation, I made a promise to myself that I would regularly call my grandparents, a habit I knew I could not break. 

Since doing this, I have noticed some changes that I feel called to share with fellow college students. 

First, I developed a stronger sense of family. I never realized how little I understood about the sacrifices that my grandparents have made for me to be here today until I began to ask questions.

I do not think that there is anyone better to tell you about your family than your grandparents. It is one thing to see a family tree with your family members on it, but it is another to hear stories about each individual person. Personally, I feel so much closer to my family members now that I understand who they were from my grandparents point of view.

Secondly, I appreciate the sacrifices my grandparents made for me to be here. Have you ever thought about how all of the decisions you made your whole entire life has led you to where you are now? Me too.

However, I never considered all the stars that had to align for my grandparents to get them to where they are today.

My grandfather told me a story about how he was set up on a blind date with his future wife, my grandmother. Little did I know, he almost backed out. He told me how nervous he was for this first date. My grandfather, who I always saw as the strongest man in my family, was nervous? 

This story made him so real and approachable. I never felt so close to my grandfather than I did at that moment.

Take advantage of the opportunities to talk to your grandparents while you can. Take it from me, if you do not take advantage while you can, you will regret it one day.

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